79,00 €
99,00 €( / )
inkl. MwSt.
Illusion table lamp This remarkable light captures the essence of a mesmerizing optical illusion. Inside her glass, an abstract background appears that initially appears to flow into the depths of the room. But then, in an impressive bend, it continues up the ceiling and the perspective is completely turned upside...
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Illusion table lamp
This remarkable light captures the essence of a mesmerizing optical illusion. Inside her glass, an abstract background appears that initially appears to flow into the depths of the room. But then, in an impressive bend, it continues up the ceiling and the perspective is completely turned upside down. This three-dimensional motif is extremely precise in its depiction and the illuminated engraving intensifies the effect by enhancing the play of light and shadow on the illusionary background. This light is a real eye-catcher and a conversation piece that stimulates the imagination and challenges the senses. It creates a unique atmosphere in the room and is perfect for those who want to bring a touch of magic and distortion to their surroundings.
This remarkable light captures the essence of a mesmerizing optical illusion. Inside her glass, an abstract background appears that initially appears to flow into the depths of the room. But then, in an impressive bend, it continues up the ceiling and the perspective is completely turned upside down. This three-dimensional motif is extremely precise in its depiction and the illuminated engraving intensifies the effect by enhancing the play of light and shadow on the illusionary background. This light is a real eye-catcher and a conversation piece that stimulates the imagination and challenges the senses. It creates a unique atmosphere in the room and is perfect for those who want to bring a touch of magic and distortion to their surroundings.
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Dieses Set beinhaltet ein Pumpspray mit Spezialreiniger sowie ein wertvolles Mikrofasertuch, damit deine Leuchte immer strahlend sauber bleibt.
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Die ideale Größe für eine Tischleuchte- perfekt für den Schreibtisch, Sideboard, Nachttisch, Wohnwand und vieles mehr.
Dank unserer bahnbrechenden Laser-Systeme können wir das Innere jedes Glasobjekts ganz einfach nach individuellen Vorstellungen formen und das in Full HD Qualität.
Innovative Technik
Unsere innovative Glasinnengravur-Technik ermöglicht es, Bilder, Muster oder Texte präzise und detailreich im Inneren des Glases zu verankern.Ein fast unsichtbarer Touchbutton mit Dimmfunktion rundet das Gesamtpaket ab.
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